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Saturday, March 16, 2019 | 12:00-5:30PM


As part of the Timeless Degrees of Freedom exhibition, Black Womxn Time Camp is a day-long program exploring time,

alternative temporalities, time travel, and temporal shifts from the frameworks, rituals,

and cultural traditions of self-identifying Black womxn, femmes, girls, non-binary, and gender non-conforming folks.

The program includes a zine brunch, workshops with Black Quantum Futurism, Womanist Working Collective, Shivon Pearl Love,

Ras Cutlass (Metropolarity), film screenings, sonic meditations with Marcelline and Moor Mother, and divination with Oshun’s Mirror.


All Ages
Accessible Space – details below
Suggested Donation: $5-10 for brunch and materials, RSVP required

For more information, questions, and on-theme vending opportunities, please contact or
RSVP required at

About Time Camp

Time Camp is an ongoing event series. Time Camp 001 was held Oct. 2017 in collaboration

with Icebox Project Space; TIME CAMP 002/CLT was held Oct 2018 in collaboration with

Janelle Dunlap and Goodyear Arts.

















camp leaders x Schedule

Time camp memory book


Zine Brunch + Vending

Doors open at 12pm for brunch, hanging out in the Kindred Temporal Library w/ zinester Joyce Hatton, buying or browsing the zines, visits to the Timeless Degrees of Freedom exhibition, movie screenings, and shopping with Rocker's Closet. 

Film Screenings + Reflections

All Day

Black Womxn Temporal Gallery

  • Eve’s Bayou x Mama Day

  • Beloved x Kindred

  • Recurrence Plot: The Family Circle x Recurrence Plot (and Other Time Travel Tales)

Continuing a series called CFL Lit Club, speculative films and fiction by and about Black women are paired together and discussed, reflecting on the themes of community, time, temporality, foresight, memory, future(s), the past(s), motherhood, and Black womxnhood contained within the paired works.  The films will be screened throughout the day and the books will be available in the Kindred Temporal Library for browsing, while the gallery will contain a reflection board for people to leave their thoughts, memories, feelings, images stimulated by the works.  BQF will incorporate a discussion of the works into the last workshop of the day, "Grandmother Paradoxes and Womanist Temporal Shifts."

Remember the Future @ Black Womxn Time Camp with R. Cutlass of Metropolarity


Black Box Theatre

Remember the Future @ Black Womxn Time Camp will be a space to practice our skills as womxn and femmes in creating future memories to sustain our work, joy, and lives ongoing. Be prepared to take a crash course in temporal health and balance, and create a small portal to continue accessing positive future memories

R. Cutlass is a Philly-based sci-fi writer and co-founder of Metropolarity, a local sci-fi and action collective. Her work concerns the experiences of people who are subject to institutionalization and dehumanization. In another life she works with young people facing housing insecurity to advocate for equal access to safe and stable living conditions. Her work can be found in Metropolarity's debut collection, Style of Attack Report.


Afrofuturism + Radical Time Banking with Womanist Working Collective


Black Box Theatre

"Wherever capitalism has gone, these two characteristics are sure to follow, racism and exploitation."  -Kwame Ture a.k.a Stokely Carmichael


Capitalism can not go with us into the future. We must leave it behind. But how?What does a world without Capitalism look like? What does it look like to have our work devoid of exploitation, neoliberalism & a racist foundation?

Well, we’re going to find out by building a system of support, interdependence, reciprocity, intention and resource mobilization to replace what exists today. Our workshop is a brief orientation to the concept of Radical Time Banking as an Afrofuturistic method of developing feasible economic alternative to transition out of the tragedy that is Capitalism today. Our futures depend on transitioning into more Ecologically Just ways of living, instead of merely surviving off the scraps of our current system. Radical Time Banking is time banking (a service-exchange system that uses time rather than money) rooted in dismantling Systems of Oppression and centering the often most marginalized such as Communities of Color, Black & Brown womyn & femmes, Queer & Trans folks, disabled/differently-abled folks, migrating people, folks in the underground economy (sex workers, street-pharmacists, undocumented workers), etc.This form of time banking also employs both the Healing Justice, Womanist Praxis and Ecological Justice frameworks as the foundation for which our futures are build built. Our project uses a root problem analysis through, holistic solution-building, collective visioning and resource-mapping through the development of our time banking project. Our attempts at divesting from Capitalism and investing in collective-center, people-powered alternatives is what drives our work.

Sonic Meditations with Moor Mother



ShadowGrams Gallery

Sign up and journey through sonic dream explorations with moor mother and special guests on a personal set of headphones. Let sound be the medium for you to meditate, time travel, nap or whatever you imagine.

Travel Notes: Black Women, Food and Memory with Shivon Pearl Love


Black Box Theatre

The body holds memory. Food holds history and tells a story of who we are and more significantly, where we’ve been. Tracing the migratory patterns of some foods of the black diaspora we’ll explore how black women have used cultural memory to adapt to space and circumstance. With the writing of culinary griot Vertamae Grosvenor as our ancestral guide, through taste, texture and smell we’ll evoke a world deeply familiar; leaving travel notes in our wake.


Shivon Pearl Love is one half of the collective, Our Mothers’ Kitchens a culinary and literature project for black folk. Her work centers black women and their relationship with food, land and labor.

Readings with Oshun


Tarot Readings

Sign-up List will be available

Oshun is a professional tarot reader and energy healer based in Philadelphia. Oshun has done chakra healing, mediumship, tarot therapy, candle magic, and spell work for the past 20 years. She uses tarot as a tool to help people see behind the veils and achieve their highest purpose. She is a generational bruja from a long line of root and energy workers. Her gifts and work is rooted in African Ancestral energy. Oshun invites you to enter into a place of knowing and healing. Nothing is hidden and everything can be healed

Performance by Marcelline


Black Box Space

Grandmother Paradoxes + Womanist Temporal Shifts with BQF


Black Box Space


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